Sunday, April 15, 2007


When you create skin care using bee ingredients you are bound to come across the question, “Isn’t that bad for the bees?” The truth of the matter is that there are a lot of problems with conventional beekeeping and large beekeeping outfits looking to maximize production. They will take measures such as artificial feeding, pesticide treatments or any number of measures that may stress the bees or harm them. Organic beekeeping, however, is an entirely different story. Organic beekeepers are held to a strict set of standards to ensure the health of the hive and to respect the bees.

In order for a hive to be certified organic there are three main rules to which the beekeeper must adhere. Organic beekeeping must*:
1) Take place in an unpolluted area
2) Use natural materials, methods and feed
3) Avoid the use of conventional veterinary medicine and pesticides.

The hive itself must be surrounded by at least 3km of natural vegetation and/or organic or low input farmland. This is due to the fact that bees can travel up to 3km to feed. It is also important for the surrounding area to have sufficient sources of pollen, nectar and clean water for the bees.

The hives themselves must also adhere to strict standards. Hives must be built from natural materials such as unpainted timber. Any tools or containers used in managing the colony including the harvest must be appropriate for foodstuffs and not be a source of pollutants. The cleanliness of the hive is of utmost important. This not only creates cleaner bee products, but also ensures that the hive remains healthy.

When the beekeepers do finally harvest products from the hive, the colonies must be left more than enough honey to feed even during cold or dry seasons. They leave as much as the bees would need to be happy and healthy. This goes for other bee products as well. Many conventional beekeepers would strip the hive of beeswax for the greatest yield but organic beekeepers keep the original comb intact so the bees are not stressed.

There are also a number of records to be kept in order to have certified organic hives. The beekeeper needs to have an organic management plan complete with a detailed map of the apiary site and its surroundings. This must also list all surrounding vegetation and possible sources of pollution. Each colony must have its own diary that details how it is handled and how it is thriving. Each of the products must be traceable to a certain hive to ensure that no more product is taken from the hive than is healthy for the bees. Who would go to such lengths if they didn’t care about their bees?

The organic beekeepers we deal with care greatly for their bees. This is why BeeCeuticals Organics is dedicated to using Organic Bee Products and to ensure that all of the bees that help us create such wonderful products are treated with the respect they deserve.

* Source: CERES Certification of Environmental Standards
Information and statements regarding BeeCeuticals Organics products have not been evaluated by the FDA. BeeCeuticals Organics products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease. Always consult a physician before making any changes in your health regimen. Any information provided in this article is meant for educational purposes only.

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