Tuesday, May 1, 2007


by Julie Gerber, M.Ed, Licensed Nutrition Counselor

Looking good is of primary importance for many of us. Some people go to great lengths to look good by undergoing medical procedures, following starvation diets, and enduring grueling exercise sessions. Although some of these efforts may be taxing on our bodies, I still think it is important to look good. But there are easier ways of accomplishing this.

My very own, personal golden rule is: the best way to look good is by following a healthy lifestyle. I always think of looking good as a side effect that comes from being healthy. A healthy person radiates a very special kind of beauty, whether you are a man or a woman. The primary focus should be improving your health.

I have taught many classes and written hundreds of articles about living a healthy lifestyle. It all started years ago, when I stumbled into my first Hatha Yoga class. At that time I was a college student, searching for meaning in my life. When I sat in that Yoga class, I felt I was home. I learned the Yogi way of life, which is based on principles of health, relaxation and balance. To this day, this is how I live my life.

We all want to look our best. I can’t think of a better way to look attractive than to have healthy, glowing skin. Often neglected, our skin is always out there for everyone to see at all times. In order to have skin that is fit and youthful-looking may take a bit of effort and know- how. The more you get to know your skin, the better off you will be. Let’s get a little skin deep.

Enveloping our whole bodies, the skin, our largest organ, is working non stop, 24/7. This thin layer of tissue is constantly performing life sustaining activities without our even knowing it. We can feel our hearts beat, and we can hear our lungs breathe, but we totally ignore our skin as it works to protect us against invaders. Bacteria and other germs that can cause disease are kept under control by the skin’s natural acid mantle.

Having a stable normal temperature is another bodily task performed by our skin. When exposed to heat, the skin responds by perspiring. This production of sweat has a cooling effect. Being very smart, our skin can also prevent heat loss by widening blood vessels.

As an organ of elimination, this thin layer of tissue is busy all day expelling waste and excess salt. In this way, the skin assists the liver and the kidneys, two organs of elimination that are very connected to skin health.

Another skin marvel is the unique ability to synthesize vitamin D from pure sunlight. Vitamin D, of course, is essential for proper calcium absorption so that we can have healthy bones and teeth.

One of the most common skin problems is acne. Caused by bacteria that grow under the skin’s oil glands, these pimples can be the result of poor diet, improper hygiene, hormonal changes and/or an overworked liver. As the liver and kidneys remove toxins from the body, they are assisted by the skin, as mentioned earlier. When there is an excessive amount of bacteria in the body, it is hard for these two organs to keep up with the job of elimination, so the skin jumps in to help out. When the skin begins the process of removing these nasty germs, it causes an inflammation on the skin, also known as a pimple. Keeping the liver and the kidneys in top working order facilitates the removal of waste and bacteria by the body and reduces the chances of pimple eruptions on the skin.

An overabundance of toxins in the skin also causes premature aging. When you wake up one morning and start to notice wrinkles and age spots you may want to consider cleaning up your act. Taking care of your liver should be part of your daily routine as well as stopping unhealthy habits such as smoking and being out in the sun for too long. These harmful habits produce unwanted free radicals, molecules in the skin that cause damage.

For good liver health, follow a low fat diet that includes lots of green vegetables, beets, dandelions and radishes. Limit your intake of highly processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, meat, dairy products and sugar.

Premature aging skin can also be slowed down by consuming foods that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are the good guys that fight the bad free radicals. They include carotenes found in dark green and orange fruits and vegetables, as well as vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Minerals such as potassium, selenium and zinc are an integral part of a healthy skin regime. Mineral rich foods include leafy greens, carrots, eggs, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, bananas, broccoli, fish, sea vegetables, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. It’s easy to incorporate these life giving foods into your daily diet.

Since healthy skin is made up of 50 to 70% water, it’s also very important to drink plenty of water, about 6 glasses every day.

There are those who feel they can read your emotional state by looking at your skin. For example, some physicians believe that psoriasis, an itchy skin condition, may be the body’s reaction to emotional stress. Practicing relaxation techniques, which impart many health benefits, will also help your skin look and feel better. And it goes without saying that we should all be getting lots of sleep, at least seven hours a night. A good night’s sleep prevents skin aging eye puffiness.

Aerobic exercise, another important component of a healthy lifestyle, is known to increase circulation. Better circulation improves the appearance of your complexion. Look at yourself in the mirror soon after you are done jogging next time and you will see how healthy your face looks.

I hope you have found these healthy lifestyle suggestions helpful so that you can begin the process of taking better care of yourself starting right now. And who knows, you may start to feel better and look better sooner than you think.

The information in this article is meant for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health issues you should consult a health care professional.


by Julie Gerber, M. Ed, Licensed Nutrition Counselor

Leafy, green vegetables are one of the most nutritious foods available on earth. Always delicious, low in calories, low in fat, high in fiber and nutrient rich, it doesn’t get better than this.

I bet most people can’t name more than two leafy green vegetables and probably have no idea how to cook these wonders of nature. But if you read on you will be one of the few people on your block that will possess this new, green wisdom.

Leafy green vegetables include Swiss Chard, Beet Greens, Spinach, Kale, Mustard Greens, Collard Greens, and more. Known to be very high in important minerals, greens are necessary for good health. Consuming greens regularly will help you feel healthy and look healthy. Researchers consider leafy greens to be very nourishing for the skin because of its high chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll also is known for its cleansing properties.

Munching on green leaves may provide the necessary nutrients for good bone health such as calcium, magnesium and vitamin K. When you look at a vegetable and you see the deep green color, you can be assured that it is rich in beta carotene, a well known phyto-nutrient. Beta carotene is thought to protect the eyes against cataracts, and may also protect against breast and prostate cancer.

At home we eat leafy greens on a daily basis. Sometimes raw in salads or cooked as a side dish, I often simply steam a bunch of greens and bring immediately to the dinner table. Anyone who happens to look in my refrigerator vegetable drawer is sure to find several bunches of greens at any given time. I do recommend that whatever leafy green you choose at the produce stand, you choose organic. This way you will be sure to reduce your exposure to pesticides, which can be harmful to our health and to the environment.

Try the following method of preparing greens, it’s easy, it’s different, and it’s quick;

Wilted Greens
6 to 8 cups of mixed greens in any combination: romaine lettuce, Swiss chard, frisee, mustard greens, chicory, arugula and others, thoroughly rinsed, drained and chopped

½ cup chopped carrots

½ cup chopped green bell pepper

½ cup chopped broccoli

For the Dressing:
You can use ¼cup to ½ cup of store bought vinaigrette salad dressing, or make your own by mixing ¼ cup olive oil with 2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar.

Place all the veggies in a deep pot. Add the salad dressing, turn on the heat (or flame) to very low, and stir thoroughly. Cover and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, stirring once or twice. Be sure greens are wilted. Serve immediately as an appetizer or stuff into pita bread with some sliced tomato as a light sandwich. Serves 4 to 6 people.

Another great way to eat your greens is by feasting on Spinach. This well known green vegetable is a great source of vegetarian iron. Containing nutrients helpful in maintaining good heart health, you will find spinach to be rich in magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6.

Enjoy the unique mixture of flavors in the following recipe:

Spinach Saute
1 bunch fresh Spinach, well rinsed and drained

1 cup cherry tomatoes

1 cup onions, chopped

3 garlic cloves, chopped

2 to 3 Tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon soy sauce, or ¼ teaspoon sea salt (optional)

Begin by removing the tough end of the spinach stem. Tear or chop the leaves a bit. Add the oil to a sauté pan and turn on the heat (or flame) on low. Add the onions and sauté until translucent. Stir in the garlic and sauté for about two minutes. Add the cherry tomatoes, sprinkle the soy sauce and stir well. Cover for about 3 to 5 minutes, until the toomatoes soften up. Add the spinach, stir well and cover for about two more minutes. Serve warm as a side dish. Serves 2 to 4 people.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health issues you should consult a health professional.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Chocolate. Grapes. Berries. Pears. Pecans. Without the bees these foods would not exist. Entomologists are discovering that over 90% of the wild bee populations in the US have already died out. The scientific community has long been concerned about the implications of having fewer bees to pollinate flowers and crops, but most people barely realize that a problem even exists. In fact, when we ask people to help "Save The Bees", most of them reply ,“Are you serious?”

What’s Going On?

The United States bee population is rapidly declining. In the past ten years there has been 25% hive loss due to pesticides and insecticide usage, varroa mites and loss of habitat. Twenty-five percent hive loss is bad enough, but something is happening now that nobody has been able to explain. Most beekeepers are losing 70% of their hives due to an unexplained disease referred to only as Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD. In 24 states there have been reports of hundreds of thousands of bees dying off suddenly. Nobody really knows what is causing this. Maryann Frazier, an entomologist from Pennsylvania State University says that there have been past occurrences of colonies dying off, “but we have never seen it on this level.”

There are a number of theories as to what is going on but very few answers. Some are considering it the AIDS virus of the bees. Survivors are often suffering from multiple ailments suggesting immune dysfunction. Severe weather and temperature increases may be stressing the bees causing weakened immune systems. A recent study has suggested that it might even be our use of cellular phones and other wireless technologies that is causing the disappearance. A small study done by Landau University found that bees refuse to return to their hives if a cellular phone is placed in the vicinity. Bees are very attuned to frequency so the possibility is very real. There has been no single parasite, chemical, bacteria or event that has been found to be the cause.

The Economic Impact

Bees pollinate more than $14 billion worth of crops such as apples, soybeans, peaches, cucumbers, cranberries, blueberries and almonds to name only a few. We get one out of every three bites of food from bees. If this calculation is expanded to include indirect products, such as the milk and beef from cattle fed on alfalfa, pollinators may be responsible for almost $40 billion worth of agricultural products each year. California supplies 70% of the almond crop to the world and suffered serious economic losses this past growing season due to a lack of pollinators.

What Next?

Bees are often referred to as the canary in the mineshaft. When the bees are in trouble it is a sign of bad things to come for the entire ecosystem. It may be that we are trying to be too clever, trying to control the uncontrollable with genetically modified crops and the like. Migratory beekeeping, the trucking of bees from state to state to pollinate crops, no doubt stresses bees and exposes them to unfamiliar bacteria and viruses. We need to seriously rethink our environmental impact as we pour greenhouse gases into the air, pollution into the rivers, and pesticides and insecticides carelessly over acres and acres of crops. Like global warming, which was once considered an alarmist theory and largely ignored by the general population, most people will pay very little attention to the plight of the bees until the crisis is tangible for them through higher food prices, scarcity of foods that were once readily available or even worse, large scale famine. We have far too much pride in our abilities and therefore fail to see the shortcomings of our so-called advances. This pride moves us further and further out of step with the delicate balance of the world in which we live. It starts with the bees. It ends with us.

What You Can Do?

You can get involved. Plant flowers to help healthy pollinators thrive. Let your legislators know that this matter concerns you and create awareness amongst your family, friends and colleagues. Join
BeeCeuticals Organics in our efforts to SAVE THE BEES. We donate a portion of our profits to agencies actively working to find solutions to the problems faced by the bees as well as sponsor events and educational forums to help spread the word.

The Xerces Society
The New York Times. Honeybees Vanish, Leaving Keepers in Peril. Alexei BarrionuevoThe Independent, Are Mobile Phones Wiping Out Our Bees. Geoffery Lean and Harriet Shawcross
Richard Thomas Gerber, Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)—Mysterious, Massive Death of Bees in the US. Asymmetric Threats Contingency Alliance
Information and statements regarding BeeCeuticals Organics products have not been evaluated by the FDA. BeeCeuticals Organics products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease. Always consult a physician before making any changes in your health regimen.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Convenient Solution for "An Inconvenient Truth"

By Jon Guerra

What is a Carbon Offset?

There has been a bit of confusion as to what exactly a “carbon offset” is. People often mistake purchasing Renewable Energy Credits (REC’s) as an expectation that green energy is somehow getting delivered to their house. This is not the case. The goal is a shift in the overall energy grid, moving the overall energy consumption of the community or country as a whole away from non-renewable sources. Though you may live in Georgia, your purchase of REC’s may come from a wind farm in Minnesota. The energy is provided to that community, but shifts the national energy grid away from non-renewable sources like coal, which, in turn, benefits you and your community. This also helps lower the cost of renewable energy for us all. CO2 emissions affect us globally. Offsetting a ton of CO2 in France has the same global impact as offsetting a ton of CO2 in your backyard.

Why Should We Do This?

Carbon dioxide emissions are causing drastic changes around the globe. Everyday in the news there are headlines regarding the endangerment of a new species due to the increases in global temperature—and we might be next. Global temperatures are rising like never before, glaciers are vanishing and weather is becoming more extreme. Most people feel powerless to do anything in regards to this problem. But REC’s make it possible for an individual to have a real, measurable impact of the greenhouse gases emitted into the environment. Most REC’s represent a fixed amount of energy, usually around 1000 kWh. A person can purchase REC’s to neutralize the impact of their home, car and business. The car you drive still burns gasoline and your home might be heated by coal but the environmental impact of these things is offset in the overall energy grid with your purchase of REC’s.

Renewable Energy Needs Our Help

The government likes to claim that it is helping to subsidize renewable energy. This, however, needs to be put in perspective. A report for the National Commission on Energy Policy quoted a low-end estimate for subsidies to non-renewable energy such as oil and coal at 64 billion dollars. Wind energy subsidies in the same year were only 155 million dollars. Less than 1% of the total. This has been the case since 1916 when the federal government began subsidizing oil companies. The oil companies are operating at record profits and gas prices have never been higher, however, they are still operating under the same subsidies with taxpayers paying billions to fund a sector largely capable of operating profitably without anyone’s help. Large oil companies enjoy corporate tax breaks, paying only 11% as compared to the 18% that other corporate sectors must pay. The playing field needs to be leveled.

What We Do

BeeCeuticals has offset more than 100,000 pounds of CO2 this year to ensure that we are 100% carbon neutral. We not only offset our manufacturing, operations and travel but our shipping as well. When you shop online at
http://www.beeceuticals.com/, your order is shipped Carbonfree. We offset the environmental impact of your shipment with the Carbonfund.org's Carbonfree shipping program. Our website is also sustainably hosted by http://www.windpoweredwebsites.com/ BeeCeuticals Organics has partnered with Carbonfund.org to offset all of our energy usage with renewable sources. Carbonfund.org is a nonprofit organization that educates the public about the dangers of climate change and makes it easy and affordable for individuals, businesses and organizations to reduce their climate impact. They are reducing the threat of climate change by promoting low-cost carbon reductions and supporting renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation projects that reduce and offset carbon dioxide emissions.

What you can do

We encourage you to visit their website at
http://www.carbonfund.org/, calculate your carbon footprint and offset your carbon emissions. While we realize that this is only the beginning when it comes to reducing your entire ecological footprint, offsetting you carbon emissions is a great place to start!


Wind Energy Weekly, February 18, 2005
Taxpayers for Common Sense
Information and statements regarding BeeCeuticals Organics products have not been evaluated by the FDA. BeeCeuticals Organics products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease. Always consult a physician before making any changes in your health regimen. Any information provided in this article is meant for educational purposes only.


When you create skin care using bee ingredients you are bound to come across the question, “Isn’t that bad for the bees?” The truth of the matter is that there are a lot of problems with conventional beekeeping and large beekeeping outfits looking to maximize production. They will take measures such as artificial feeding, pesticide treatments or any number of measures that may stress the bees or harm them. Organic beekeeping, however, is an entirely different story. Organic beekeepers are held to a strict set of standards to ensure the health of the hive and to respect the bees.

In order for a hive to be certified organic there are three main rules to which the beekeeper must adhere. Organic beekeeping must*:
1) Take place in an unpolluted area
2) Use natural materials, methods and feed
3) Avoid the use of conventional veterinary medicine and pesticides.

The hive itself must be surrounded by at least 3km of natural vegetation and/or organic or low input farmland. This is due to the fact that bees can travel up to 3km to feed. It is also important for the surrounding area to have sufficient sources of pollen, nectar and clean water for the bees.

The hives themselves must also adhere to strict standards. Hives must be built from natural materials such as unpainted timber. Any tools or containers used in managing the colony including the harvest must be appropriate for foodstuffs and not be a source of pollutants. The cleanliness of the hive is of utmost important. This not only creates cleaner bee products, but also ensures that the hive remains healthy.

When the beekeepers do finally harvest products from the hive, the colonies must be left more than enough honey to feed even during cold or dry seasons. They leave as much as the bees would need to be happy and healthy. This goes for other bee products as well. Many conventional beekeepers would strip the hive of beeswax for the greatest yield but organic beekeepers keep the original comb intact so the bees are not stressed.

There are also a number of records to be kept in order to have certified organic hives. The beekeeper needs to have an organic management plan complete with a detailed map of the apiary site and its surroundings. This must also list all surrounding vegetation and possible sources of pollution. Each colony must have its own diary that details how it is handled and how it is thriving. Each of the products must be traceable to a certain hive to ensure that no more product is taken from the hive than is healthy for the bees. Who would go to such lengths if they didn’t care about their bees?

The organic beekeepers we deal with care greatly for their bees. This is why BeeCeuticals Organics is dedicated to using Organic Bee Products and to ensure that all of the bees that help us create such wonderful products are treated with the respect they deserve.

* Source: CERES Certification of Environmental Standards
Information and statements regarding BeeCeuticals Organics products have not been evaluated by the FDA. BeeCeuticals Organics products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease. Always consult a physician before making any changes in your health regimen. Any information provided in this article is meant for educational purposes only.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


So you buy organic produce and read the nutritional information and ingredient list of every food you buy. But most people admittedly pay very little attention to the ingredients in their skin care products. And with all the mixed messages flying around the body care aisle, how can you be sure you are choosing the best product? It can be frustrating. Many products claim to be all-natural, organic and safe but are anything but. The truth is there is very little regulation of the cosmetic and skin care industry. It is up to companies to police themselves, and when left to their own devices, few companies will choose to do the right thing over what is cheap and more profitable. But don’t get discouraged. With a little knowledge you can feel empowered to make the right choices and weed through the confusion.



Make sure that the product has no parabens in it. Parabens are a group of chemical preservatives that have been shown to disrupt normal hormone function. Parabens are estrogenic. In other words, they mimic the function of naturally occurring estrogen. Many companies view it as "too costly" to switch their formulas so instead of doing the right thing, they attempt to downplay the dangers parabens pose. A recent study published by the Journal of Applied Toxicology* has found parabens in breast cancer tissue, which has caused alarm about the use of parabens in cosmetics and skin care. On the label they might read as meythlparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben or propylparaben. Other preservatives to Bee On the Lookout for are benzethonium chloride, BHA, BHT, diazolidinyl urea (which gives off formaldehyde!), imidazolidinyl urea, and methylisothiazolinone. BEE WARE!


Scented with…1,4 Dioxane? Not in our products. Avoid any product that uses a synthetic fragrance. It will be listed in the ingredients as “fragrance” or “perfume” or “natural fragrance”. There is no natural fragrance other than an essential oil or the inherent aroma of an ingredient itself. Many “natural” companies use fragrance so be careful. A number of fragrance materials can accumulate in fat tissue, act as hormone disruptors and pass into breast milk. Synthetic fragrance can cause respiratory issues, neurological issues and dermatitis. The label will list only fragrance but this one ingredient could contain over 100 toxic chemicals such as 6-Acetyl-1,1,2,4,4,7-hexamethyltetraline (AHTN) or toxic pthalates. Does that sound like something that belongs in a “natural” product?


If a product has SLS in the ingredients list bee a smart consumer and move on! Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate are anionic surfactants used in countless skin care preparations for their foaming capabilities. Anionic refers to the negative charge these surfactants have. These surfactants may be contaminated with nitrosamines, which are cancer-causing agents. They are also known irritants to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. These surfactants are commonly used in car washes and engine degreasers-why would you want that in your hair?


Lanolin is obtained from sheep’s wool. The majority of lanolin used in cosmetics is contaminated with pesticides such as DDT and any other number of chemicals that farm raised sheep are exposed to. Many “natural” companies still use lanolin. Can you bee-lieve it?


Most of these are made from coal tar, which is known to cause cancer. Even though the FDA requires that these colors be limited to 20ppm of arsenic and lead isn’t any arsenic and lead too much? We certainly think so. Pass on that blue lotion that seems so cute. They will read on the label as D&C color, FD&C color, such as FD&C Yellow # 4 and so on.


This is nothing more than petroleum jelly. It’s all in the name. Petroleum! That belongs in your car not on your skin.


Silicone derived and skin occlusive. This blocks off the pores and doesn’t allow the skin to breathe and has been shown to accumulate in the liver. Avoid!

BeeCeuticals Organics never uses any of the ingredients listed above. We want our products to be safe for our customers, community and the planet!


Information and statements regarding BeeCeuticals Organics products have not been evaluated by the FDA. BeeCeuticals Organics products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease. Always consult a physician before making any changes in your health regimen. Any information provided in this article is meant for educational purposes only.

An Open Letter from Julie and Richie

We are very excited to finally inform you of our new skin care line. As you may know, we have been working on developing these products for the past three years based on our unique experience in the natural foods industry. Give us a chance to tell you the story of how we started our new company, BeeCeuticals Organics, Health from the Hive.


Vegetarianism first brought us together in 1971. Because we wanted to lead a healthy lifestyle together, we moved to Maine in the early 70's and started an organic farm we called Finca Loca. Julie taught Hatha Yoga at adult education programs and Richie taught T'ai Chi Ch'uan. In an attempt to remove sugar from our diets, we began to use honey for all our cooking and baking needs. And thus grew a very close relationship with honey, bees and the beehive.


After moving to Florida in 1980, we opened the Bread of Life Natural Foods Store and Restaurant. As Licensed Nutrition Counselors and health food retailers, we became very involved in educating our customers about the latest information on health and wellness. We invited numerous nutrition experts to speak at our stores and held many educational events. Julie conducted vegetarian cooking classes, and published Breadcrumbs, our very own newsletter. Richie became the host of the "Natural Grocer", Florida's longest running health talk radio show at that time, while also playing his saxophone and leading his band, The Free Radicals, at the restaurant. In 1997 we sold our stores.


As we look back, we have been amazed to see that what started out as a personal journey for both of us into the world of health and wellness, and not very well known then, has now become part of our popular culture. About three years ago, we came across studies on the therapeutic uses of honey that were truly amazing. Burn and wound clinics throughout the world were having great successes with very stubborn burns and wounds that did not heal with standard pharmaceuticals. Researchers at these clinics were using special honeys that have specific medicinal properties. The wounds and burns improved significantly and the healthy tissue around the wounds showed remarkable regeneration as well. Upon further research we discovered that not all honeys are the same when it comes to skin care, much like not all wines or olive oils are the same. There exist honeys with specific profiles that are more medicinally potent than others. The more we read about honey, the more our admiration grew. Honey has been used for soothing and beautifying the skin as well as for treating burns and wounds since prehistoric times. Cleopatra bathed in milk and honey. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, prescribed honey for healing many ailments.


A burning desire crept up within us to put all of this knowledge together in a way that would benefit everyone's health. Our experience has made us aware of the need for a truly great, natural skin care line. We knew we wanted to create a skin care line based on honey and other products from the bee hive. This culminated in the birth of BeeCeuticals Organics, Health from the Hive. We began the process of developing our own proprietary formulas using a blend of special honeys which exhibit beneficial results on the skin. We have named this our Organic Holistic Honey Blend. Our blend of honeys come from around the world, are certified organic, raw, unfiltered and never heated. They have been selected for their proven medicinal properties. We use the whole honey. Other cosmetic lines use cheaper honeys that are heated, filtered, pasteurized, and/or powdered, because they are much easier to handle during the manufacturing process and are less expensive. These cheaper honeys have little or no health benefits. For other companies, honey is used as window dressing, for us; it's our reason to exist. Global bee populations have been diminishing at alarming rates. They are being challenged by the proliferation of pesticides, disease, infections, mites and dwindling habitats. Our respect for this noble insect is driving our goal to help Save the Bees. We will bring awareness to the plight of the honey bee as well as donate funds to those who are working on solutions that will help global bee populations.

Richie & Julie Gerber

Information and statements regarding BeeCeuticals Organics products have not been evaluated by the FDA. BeeCeuticals Organics products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease. Always consult a physician before making any changes in your health regimen. Any information provided in this article is meant for educational purposes only.